What are old school indoor games for kids?

What are old school indoor games for kids?

old school indoor games for kids 10 indoor games featuring cups for you to play with your family 

• Bounce It

the objective of game is to bounce the ping pong ball onto the table and successfully get it into the cup the catch being that the cup must stay on your forehead you must hold the cup up to your forehead first to accomplish this wins the game old school indoor games for kids .

old school indoor games for kids

old school indoor games for kids
old school indoor games for kids

• Stack It 1

in this game you will need about 10 to 20 cups per player and the goal is to see how many cups you can successfully stack on top of your head before they all fall down the player who accomplishes this wins the game 

• Four Corners

his game is fun to play in a room that is large enough for everybody to run around and have access to the four corners of the room each player gets four cups they must spin their first cup whichever direction the open end of the cup points to that is the corner they put their cup in they run back to the table spin their cup again whichever player successfully puts all four of their cups into all four of the corners of the room wins the game

• Mini Stack

mini cups are fun and cute this is a simple stacking game whoever can stack their mini cups the highest wins the game

• Launch It

in this game you’ll need some reusable straws for this game and it can be played with the regular size cups honestly completely played with any size cup except for maybe the giant size on the count of go players will place their cup on top of their straw and see who blows their cup up into the air the highest who can launch it highest into the sky one person will need to be able to judge whose cup went the highest

• Blow it

another game with a straw is give every player a reusable straw and their plastic cup and see who can blow it the farthest on one blow across the length of your table you could also play this one on the floor

• Blow out

line up 10 mini cups per player and see who can stack the mini cups the fastest with their mouth when you’re using a hair dryer definitely want to have an adult present here’s a pro tip from me make sure you have it on low cool air don’t put it on hot or you will melt your plastic, who can keep their cup up in the air the longest by blowing it with a hair dryer this one was definitely a challenge for everyone 

• Pour It

you’ll need a pitcher of water and 10 cups for each player the object is to pour the water into the first cup and on the declaration of go empty their water from the first cup down the line of cups until the last cup has all the water that player wins the game now what if you have two players reach the end of the cup line at the same time then you measure to see look and see who has the most water left in their cup then that player is the winner 

• Blow Only One

for this game you’ll need a stack of playing cards i’m using uno cards here stack them on top of a cup this game works great with a long line of players with lots of players or with just two take turns blowing a card off the top of the deck if you blow more than one card off the top then you are out of the game it’s an elimination game so whoever is left after everybody has a turn that player is the winner 

• Flamingo

this is a game where you see who can stand on one leg the longest if you fall over or you have to put your foot down then you are out of the game a last player standing wins.

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